Sunday, September 25, 2016

Designers Cards for the Halloween Challenge

Hello Friends,

I am posting the Design Team's Cards for
our  Halloween Challenge DUE NEXT
Saturday October 2, at midnight. 

*I see I have confused you and I understand
completely, and want to apologize.*

Because we started the New Store on SUNDAY September 18th.
I wanted to get you all started on a Challenge.
Therefore the Challenges until the end of 2016 will
all be due on Saturday nights at midnight.

When we start back in the New Year they will 
be back to Tuesdays as usual.
I hope you can all bare with me during this time :o)

I have your wonderful DT Makes today
for the Halloween Challenge. 

Jane has made Pie / Gift Boxes
with super cute mini tags!!

Suzi has made a gift bag
that is so bright and happy!!

Chris has altered one of the old Tilda
stamps and made a Gift Bag and Card to go with it!!

The 'Girls' are all so talented - I think each of them made AWESOME
Gifts / Cards.

Remember that all your stamps can be used at any
time no matter what Collection they are from
or how long you have had them.

I hope you get inspiration for YOUR
Halloween Card from them :o)

See you next Sunday,


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